
Privacy Policy

Inkdrop is owned and operated by Takuya Matsuyama, based in Japan. Inkdrop values your privacy and the protection of your personal data. This privacy policy describes what information we collect from you, how we collect it, how we use it, how we obtain your consent, how long we keep it in our databases and, if necessary, with whom we share it.

By using the platform and our services, you accept the practices described in this privacy policy. Your use of the platform is also subject to our terms and conditions. This privacy policy may change from time to time. Your continued use of the platform after we make changes to this privacy policy will be deemed acceptance of those changes, so please check this policy periodically for updates.

1. Definitions

In this privacy policy, the words “platform” refer to the application, website, and services offered by Inkdrop together, unless referred to individually in the document, “we”, “us”, “our” and “Inkdrop”, refer to Inkdrop, and “you” and “user”, refer to you, the Inkdrop user and client.

2. General Information

The personal data of users that are collected and processed through:

will be under the responsibility and in charge of:

  • Takuya Matsuyama
  • contact@inkdrop.app
  • 1-11-2-601, Kyomachibori, Nishi, Osaka, Osaka, 550-0003, Japan

When you visit the website, use our services, purchase a subscription plan, use the Inkdrop client application for macOS, Windows, Linux, iOS or Android, use our plugins, register as a user, contact us through our contact information and contact form, you consent to our collection, storage, and use of your information under the terms set out in this privacy policy.

4. How Does Inkdrop Collect Data About Me?

Inkdrop collects data about you:

  • when you browse the Inkdrop website, inkdrop.app
  • when you create an Inkdrop account or update your account
  • when you purchase a subscription plan
  • when you sign up for and use our services
  • when you use the Inkdrop client app for macOS, Windows, Linux, iOS or Android
  • when you use our plugins
  • when you send support, privacy, legal, and other requests to us
  • when working with and researching current and potential customers
  • when you use ipm command to publish plugins for Inkdrop
  • when you post topics or comments on the Inkdrop forum
  • when you join our Discord server

When researching potential customers, we sometimes search the public World Wide Web or paid business databases. Otherwise, we don't buy or receive data about you from data brokers or other private services.

5. What Data Does Inkdrop Collect About Me, and Why?

5.1. Inkdrop Collects Note Data

When you add notes, notebooks, tags, and attachment files on the Inkdrop client apps, Inkdrop stores them in your local devices and the Inkdrop servers. The data is associated with your Inkdrop account. When the data is stored in the Inkdrop server, Inkdrop encrypts it in transit and at rest so that other people, including the server administrators, cannot see the contents of the data. The Inkdrop server uses the data to provide data synchronization functionality across your devices. You can disable this functionality from Preferences. The client apps keep the data in your local storage to provide quick offline access to the data. The client apps don't encrypt the data at rest in local to provide quick search functionality.

5.2. Inkdrop Collects Data About How You Use Inkdrop Service

When you use the Inkdrop client apps, the Inkdrop website, or the ipm command, Inkdrop logs data that might be identified to you:

  • a random, unique identifier
  • the version of the Inkdrop app, and the operating system you are using
  • network request data, such as the date and time, your IP address, and the URL
  • number of notes, notebooks, tags, files, and the total data size of them

Inkdrop uses this data to:

  • keep our service working quickly and reliably
  • debug and develop our apps and website
  • defend Inkdrop service from abuse and technical attacks
  • compile statistics on plugin usage and popularity
  • improve search results on the website
  • improve usability of our apps

Inkdrop usually deletes log entries with identifiable information within a few weeks, but may preserve logs longer, as needed in specific cases, like investigations of specific incidents.

5.3. Inkdrop Collects Data About How You Use the Website

When you visit inkdrop.app, my.inkdrop.app, docs.inkdrop.app, forum.inkdrop.app, and other Inkdrop websites, Inkdrop uses cookies, server logs, and other methods to collect data about what pages you visit, and when. Inkdrop also collects technical information about the software and computer you use, such as:

  • your IP address
  • your preferred language
  • the web browser software you use
  • the kind of computer you use
  • the website that referred you

Inkdrop uses data about how you use the website to:

  • optimize the website, so that it's quick and easy to use
  • diagnose and debug technical errors
  • defend the website from abuse and technical attacks
  • compile statistics on package popularity
  • compile statistics on the kinds of software and computers visitors use
  • compile statistics on visitor searches and needs, to guide the development of new website pages and functionality
  • decide who to contact about product announcements, service changes, and new features

Inkdrop usually deletes website log entries with identifiable information within a few weeks, but keeps entries for visitors with Inkdrop accounts longer. Inkdrop reviews log entries for those users twice a year and deletes entries when they're no longer needed. Inkdrop may preserve log entries for all kinds of visitors longer, as needed in specific cases, like the investigation of specific incidents. Inkdrop stores aggregate statistics indefinitely, but those statistics don't include data identifiable to you personally.

5.4. Inkdrop Collects Account Data

Basically, Inkdrop services require an Inkdrop account. For example, you must have an Inkdrop account to use the Inkdrop client apps.

To create an Inkdrop account, Inkdrop requires a working email address. Inkdrop uses this data to provide you access to features and identify you across Inkdrop service, publicly and within Inkdrop.

You do not have to give your personal or legal name to create an Inkdrop account. You can use a pseudonym instead. You can also open more than one account.

Inkdrop publishes account data for the whole world to see on user shared notes like this one. Inkdrop also publishes account data through the Inkdrop plugin registry if you have published plugins.

You don't have to give Inkdrop a personal name or any social media names, and you can erase this data at any time.

Inkdrop uses your email to:

  • confirm if your email address is correct to sign you up
  • notify you about your free trial expiring in 3 days
  • notify you about your free trial has expired
  • notify you about your payment failure
  • notify you about your account has been deactivated because of payment failure
  • invite you to our lounge where only paid users can access when you become a paid user
  • notify you about your annual subscription renewal 3 days before
  • contact you in special circumstances related to your account
  • contact you about support requests
  • contact you about legal requests, like DMCA takedown requests and privacy complaints
  • announce new Inkdrop product offerings, service changes, and features

Inkdrop stores account data as long as the account stays open. When account data also appear in plugin data, Inkdrop stores that data as long as it stores the plugin.

5.5. Inkdrop Collects Shared Note Data

When you share notes to the World Wide Web, Inkdrop collects the contents of the note without encryption, plus metadata, including your account data to make the note available to everyone, online.

You can unpublish your shared notes, erasing them from Inkdrop's storage, when you no longer need them to share with others.

5.6. Inkdrop Collects Plugin Data

When you use ipm publish to publish plugins to the Inkdrop plugin registry, Inkdrop collects the contents of the plugin, plus metadata, including your account data.

Inkdrop uses data in plugins to provide those plugins to you and others who request them: when you publish a plugin to the Inkdrop plugin registry, Inkdrop makes the plugin and metadata available to everyone, online.

Making plugin data available to others allows them to download, build on, and depend on your work. In the vast majority of cases, Inkdrop stores data in and metadata about every version of every plugin indefinitely, unless it's unpublished.

In some cases, however, plugin publishers can unpublish packages, erasing them from the plugin registry. Erased plugins disappear completely from Inkdrop's storage.

5.7. Inkdrop Collects Payment Card Data

To continue using Inkdrop service after expiring free trial, Inkdrop requires your payment card data. Inkdrop itself does not collect or store enough information to charge your card itself. Rather, Stripe collects that data on Inkdrop's behalf, and gives Inkdrop security tokens that allow Inkdrop to create charges and subscriptions. Stripe meets the highest level of PCI compliance (Level 1). See more on their Security page.

Inkdrop uses your payment card data only to charge for Inkdrop service.

Inkdrop instructs Stripe to store your payment card data only as long as you use paid Inkdrop service.

5.8. Inkdrop Collects Billing Address

In Japan, there is consumption tax on Inkdrop service. However, people who live outside Japan are exempt from consumption tax. Inkdrop collects your billing address to ensure whether you live in Japan or not. This is required by the national tax agency Japan.

Inkdrop stores it safely on Stripe.

5.9. Inkdrop Collects Data About Correspondence

Inkdrop collects data about you when you send Inkdrop support requests, legal complaints, privacy inquiries, and business inquiries. Those data usually include your name and email address, and may include your company or other affiliation.

Inkdrop uses contact data to:

  • respond to you
  • compile aggregate statistics about correspondence
  • train support staff and other Inkdrop personnel
  • review the performance of Inkdrop personnel who respond
  • defend Inkdrop from legal claims

Inkdrop stores correspondence as long as it may be useful for these purposes.

5.10. Inkdrop Collects Discord Account Data

Inkdrop collects data about your Discord account when you connect it to your Inkdrop account. This includes your user ID, username, and avatar.

Inkdrop uses this data to:

  • manage access to the Inkdrop Discord server based on your Inkdrop account status.

Inkdrop stores this data as long as it is useful for these purposes.

6. How Long We Keep Your Data

Personal data provided by users through the platform will be retained for the time necessary to provide the functionalities available on the platform, to fulfill our legitimate purposes, or until the user stops using our services, closes the user account, or requests the deletion of their data. Inkdrop may retain personal data for a longer period provided that the user has consented to such processing, as long as such consent is not withdrawn. In addition, Inkdrop may be obliged to retain personal data for a longer period if this is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation or by order of an authority. Once the retention period has expired, the personal data will be deleted. Therefore, the right of access, the right of deletion, the right of rectification, and the right to data portability cannot be asserted after the retention period has expired.

7. Where Does Inkdrop Keep Data About Me?

Inkdrop stores account data, note data, data about website use, and plugins on servers in the United States of America. I sometimes retrieve those data to my personal computers in Japan. I use the data to develop, debug, and maintain the service. The data is erased from my computers when no longer needed.

8. Does Inkdrop Comply with the EU General Data Protection Regulation?

Inkdrop respects privacy rights under Regulation (EU) 2016/679, the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Information that GDPR requires Inkdrop to give can be found throughout these privacy questions and answers. So can information about specific rights, like access, rectification, erasure, data portability, and objection to automated decision-making.

GDPR does not apply to everyone worldwide. But Inkdrop's policy is to do its best to offer all users the same privacy information, control, and protections, whether GDPR applies to them or not.

9. How Can I Access Data About Me?

You can access your account data at any time by visiting your account page on my.inkdrop.app.

You can access your note data from the client apps available on macOS, Windows, Linux, iOS, and Android which you can get at my.inkdrop.app.

You can export all your note data in JSON or Markdown format from our desktop client apps.

You can also access the Inkdrop database directly via the Data Access API which is compatible with CouchDB.

10. How Can I Change or Erase Data About Me?

You can change your account data and payment card data at any time by visiting your account settings page on my.inkdrop.app.

You can close your Inkdrop account at any time through my.inkdrop.app. Closing your account starts a process of erasing Inkdrop's records of your account data including notes, shared notes, notebooks, tags, and attachment files. Closing your account does not automatically erase plugins published under your account. You can unpublish plugins before closing your account with the ipm unpublish command. When you uninstall our iOS app or Android app, the data stored in your device is completely erased. When you uninstall our desktop app for macOS, Windows, or Linux, the data is not completely erased from your device. You can find the data which the app stores in the following directory and you can erase them:

  • on macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/inkdrop/
  • on Windows: %APPDATA%/inkdrop/
  • on Linux: ~/.config/inkdrop/

Closing your account anonymizes your topics and comments posted on forum.inkdrop.app. Your profile and IP address on the forum will be erased but your posts will remain because they would be helpful for other users. If you wish to delete them completely, email contact@inkdrop.app and let us know which user needs to be erased.

If you have questions or problems using the website or ipm command to change or delete data about you, email contact@inkdrop.app.

11. Does Inkdrop Share Data About Me with Others?

Inkdrop shares account data with others as mentioned in the section about account data.

Inkdrop does not sell information about you to others. However, Inkdrop uses services provided by other companies to provide Inkdrop service. Some of those services may collect data about you independently, for their own purposes. All of the companies are based in the United States.

Some of these services may be used to collect information about your online activities across different websites.

11.1. Inkdrop Uses Fathom Analytics

Inkdrop's website uses Fathom Analytics to collect and analyze data about visitors to its websites. You can find more information about the technical implementation here. Further information on data protection at Fathom can be found at usefathom.com/data.

11.2. Inkdrop Uses Cloud Computing Platforms

Inkdrop uses Amazon Web Services servers and services, in service regions all across the world, to power the Inkdrop services. You can read the privacy policy for AWS online.

Inkdrop uses Heroku servers and services, in service regions in the United States of America, to power the Inkdrop services. You can read the privacy policy for Heroku online.

Inkdrop uses DigitalOcean servers and services, in service regions in the United States of America, to provide the Inkdrop forum. You can read the privacy policy for DigitalOcean online.

11.3. Inkdrop Uses Papertrail

Inkdrop uses Papertrail to collect logs from its servers. You can read the privacy policy for Papertrail online.

11.4. Inkdrop Uses Stripe

Inkdrop uses Stripe to collect and use card payment data and billing information. You can read the privacy policy for Stripe online.

11.5. Inkdrop Uses Mixpanel

Inkdrop uses Mixpanel to collect and analyze data about visitors to its websites and how you use our apps. You can read the privacy policy for Mixpanel online. You can opt-out of Mixpanel by visiting this page: www.mixpanel.com/optout and my.inkdrop.app/account/privacy. Those tracking data are not associated with your Inkdrop account.

11.6. Inkdrop Uses Bugsnag

Inkdrop uses Bugsnag to collect crash reports and error logs from our mobile apps. Those crash reports include your technical information for simpler identification and incident management. Those data are not associated with your Inkdrop account. For more information on what type of information Bugsnag collects, please visit the Privacy Policy page of Bugsnag.

11.7. Inkdrop Uses Loops

Inkdrop uses Loops to manage our newsletter and other email lists. There’s no third-party tracking in messages we send through Loops besides Loops' own analytics, which tracks subscribers who open a message or click the links inside (disable loading external images in your email client and don't click on the link, if you don't want it to be tracked or use tracking blockers supplied by your email client).

You can opt out of newsletter subscriptions by clicking the unsubscribe link provided at the end of the newsletter. Loops' privacy policy is available here.

12. Does Inkdrop Make Automated Decisions Based on Data About Me?

No. Inkdrop does not use your data for personalization or retargeting purposes.

We process your personal data in accordance with the following legal bases set out in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR):

  • Enforcement of an Agreement: We process your data to provide and maintain our services, manage your account, and process payments.
  • Consent: We process your data with your explicit consent for specific purposes, such as sending marketing communications. You may withdraw your consent at any time.
  • Compliance with Legal Obligations: We process your data to comply with our legal obligations, such as tax and regulatory laws.
  • Legitimate Interests: We process your data to improve our services, perform analysis, prevent fraud, and manage our relationship with our clients, always protecting your rights and freedoms.
  • Vital Interests: In exceptional cases, we process your data to protect your vital interests or those of another natural person.
  • Public Interest: We process your data when it is necessary to fulfill a task of public interest or in the exercise of an official authority, although this is less common.

14. Data Breach Notifications

In the event of a security breach that compromises the confidentiality of the personal data of our users, Inkdrop undertakes to notify those affected in a timely manner. This notification will be made through the means of contact that have been provided by the user on our platform. We will take all reasonable measures to protect the information and remedy any situation that compromises the security of your data.

15. International Data Transfer

By using our platform, you agree that your personal data may be transferred and processed outside your country of origin, where data protection laws may differ. This is because data may be stored on servers located outside the country. Inkdrop is committed to taking the necessary steps to ensure that your data is treated in accordance with applicable privacy standards and is adequately protected during any international transfer.

16. Protection of Your Information

We grant access to your personal information only to those outside persons or services that have a legitimate need to know it and in accordance with our privacy policy. We adhere to industry-recognized security standards to protect your personal information, both during transmission and in storage. However, it is important to note that no method of transmission over the Internet or electronic storage is foolproof and 100% secure. Therefore, while we at Inkdrop strive to implement commercially viable data protection methods, we cannot ensure absolute security of your personal information. We undertake not to sell, distribute, or transfer your personal data to unauthorized third parties, unless we have your explicit consent or are required by law to do so.

17. Your Rights Regarding Your Information

Users who provide information through our platform, as data subjects, have the right to access, rectify, download, or delete their information, as well as to restrict and oppose certain processing of their information. While some of these rights apply generally, others only apply in certain limited circumstances. These rights are described below:

  • Access and Portability: To access and know what information is stored on our servers, you can send us your request through our contact information.
  • Rectification, Restriction, Limitation, and Deletion: You may also rectify, restrict, limit, or delete much of your information.
  • Right to be Informed: Users of our platform will be informed, upon request, about what data we collect, how it is used, how long it is kept, and whether it is shared with third parties.
  • Object: Where we process your data based on our legitimate interests, as explained above, or in the public interest, you may object to this processing in certain circumstances. In such cases, we will stop processing your information unless we have legitimate grounds to continue processing it or where necessary for legal reasons.
  • Withdraw Consent: Where you have previously given your consent, for example, to allow us to process and store your personal information, you have the right to withdraw your consent to the processing and storage of your information at any time. For example, you can withdraw your consent by updating your settings. In certain cases, we may continue to process your information after you have withdrawn your consent if we have a lawful basis for doing so or if your withdrawal of consent was limited to certain processing activities.
  • Complaint: If you wish to lodge a complaint about our use of your information (and without prejudice to any other rights you may have), you have the right to do so with your local supervisory authority. Users may exercise all of these rights by contacting us via the contact information or contact page.
  • Rights Related to Automated Decision-Making, Including Profiling: Users may request that we provide them with a copy of the automated processing activities we conduct if they believe that data is being unlawfully processed.

Users or holders of personal data provided through the platform may exercise these rights over their personal data at any time and without limitation by sending their request through our contact information. The request to exercise their rights will be attended and answered within a maximum period of 10 working days.

18. Protection of Children's Online Privacy

We comply with national and international data protection regulations regarding the protection of children's personal data. We do not collect any information from children under the age of 13. If we become aware that a child under the age of 13 has provided us with personal information, we will take immediate steps to delete such information.

19. Third Parties

Except as expressly included in this privacy policy, this document addresses only the use and disclosure of information Inkdrop collects from you. If you disclose your information to others, whether other users or Inkdrop vendors, different rules may apply to their use or disclosure of the information you disclose to them. Inkdrop does not control the privacy policies of third parties, and you are subject to the privacy policies of those third parties where applicable. Inkdrop is not responsible for the privacy or security practices of another Internet platform, including those linked to or from the Inkdrop platform. Please review the privacy policies of third-party websites or services that you access through the Inkdrop platform.

20. How Can I Find Out About Changes?

Inkdrop will announce the next version on the Inkdrop blog. In the meantime, Inkdrop may update its contact information and minor changes by updating the page at Privacy Policy, without an announcement. Inkdrop may change how it announces changes in future privacy versions.

You can review the history of changes in the Git repository for Inkdrop's documentation.

21. Who Can I Contact About Inkdrop and My Privacy?

You can send questions or complaints to:

  • Takuya Matsuyama
  • contact@inkdrop.app
  • 1-11-2-601, Kyomachibori, Nishi, Osaka, Osaka, 550-0003, Japan

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